Blue Horse Mixed Media Painting
"Blue Horse" is an 8x8" piece created using acrylic pens, inks, and pastel. This artwork features an abstract portrayal of a blue horse, set against a dynamic backdrop. The horse figure is outlined in bold black lines, adding energy and movement to the composition. The background is painted in rich hues of pink and orange, which form a lively contrast to the central figure. The artwork is characterized by its expressive and playful quality, achieved through the vivid use of colors.
"Blue Horse" is an 8x8" piece created using acrylic pens, inks, and pastel. This artwork features an abstract portrayal of a blue horse, set against a dynamic backdrop. The horse figure is outlined in bold black lines, adding energy and movement to the composition. The background is painted in rich hues of pink and orange, which form a lively contrast to the central figure. The artwork is characterized by its expressive and playful quality, achieved through the vivid use of colors.
"Blue Horse" is an 8x8" piece created using acrylic pens, inks, and pastel. This artwork features an abstract portrayal of a blue horse, set against a dynamic backdrop. The horse figure is outlined in bold black lines, adding energy and movement to the composition. The background is painted in rich hues of pink and orange, which form a lively contrast to the central figure. The artwork is characterized by its expressive and playful quality, achieved through the vivid use of colors.
Copyright Evelyn McCorristin Peters, 2023
Please note: all images are copyright protected, the buyer is not entitled to reproduction rights. Please do not print or reproduce my work without permission. The purchase of original art or a print does not transfer copyright. All rights reserved and retained by the artist. Thank you!