Our services.
Custom Oil Paintings
This portrait is for pet people, you know who you are...
You know your dog understands every word you say no matter how many times you are told that it's just no so.
You may let your dog sleep in the bed with you even though each night you somehow are relegated to a very small part of the mattress while your animal is stretched out comfortably.
You have actually sniffed your dogs paws because someone told you all dog paws smell like Fritos. (Yes, I sniffed my dog's paws, but I live on a farm and they kind of smell like horse poop. Maybe that just works in the city.)
We will work together to create a great memory of your pet! I will work from photographs that you send me and each portrait will be created in my unique style.
Custom Pencil Portraits
Coming Soon
Custom Pet Portrait Pendant
Coming Soon